PM imran khan Finish this game within Three years of coming to power.

PM Ik Finish this game within three years of coming to power.

Kabul The Taliban’s victorious entry into Afghanistan without resistance has drawn strong criticism on US and NATO forces on social media, as well as for Pakistani forces and the ISI.
Words of praise are also being heard.

1- According to the US State Department adviser, when he told General Kayani of Pakistan that we, the US, in addition to the 300,000 troops in Afghanistan, are also training and equipping the police with modern weapons, General Kayani’s words are not to me.
Forget it though, being a Pakistani, I don’t trust them that you will never succeed.
you will never succeed.

2 According to a former colonel of the Indian Army and a defense analyst, the Pakistani army and ISI used to forget the governors and military commanders before the Taliban entered Kabul, although as a Pakistani I do not trust them. “You will not succeed.” you will never succeed.

2 According to a former colonel and defense analyst of the Indian Army, the Pakistani army and ISI had trained governors and military commanders in the Taliban before the Taliban entered Kabul. And on Pakistan Day he gave great good news to the nation. While the case of India is like this child. Joining the fight between the two elders, he returned home crying after being slapped on both sides. Colonel Sahib warmly congratulated the Pakistani forces and ISI.

We Pakistanis should also rejoice on this happy occasion and pay tribute to the sacrifices and efforts of our brave forces for raising the name of Pakistan in the world and all the soldiers and civilians who were martyred in this 20 year war. One should pray for the elevation of ranks.

It took thirteen years to break up the emerging superpower Russia. This time Markhor faced the armies of fifty countries, but in twenty years the work was completed. It will take 20 years and Prime Minister Imran Khan finish this game within three years of coming to power.