boy standing on gray concrete road while tongue out

The first national program for children with autism and mental disorders in Karachi has been prepared.

On the instructions of Federal Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel, the first national program for children with autism and mental disorders has been prepared in the country.

The Ministry of Health will help in the establishment of centers in the four provinces of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan and a modern center will be established in Islamabad for children suffering from autism, in which children will be given education and treatment.

Kadir Patel said that legislation will be enacted for the protection of children suffering from autism and mental disorders and data of these children will be collected through a nationwide survey.

UNICEF is also ready to work with the Ministry of Health of Pakistan in this regard, he said that we are ensuring practical and effective measures for improvement in the health sector.

Autism spectrum disorder or ASD is a lifelong disease in which the patient’s communication with people and the process of human mental ability are affected. Its actually related to the development of the brain.

WHO one in every 100 children has autism Can bi symptoms be detected in early childhood but autism is often diagnosed late. Autistic people have different abilities and needs. People can live independently but some people suffer from severe disabilities.