Where justice is practiced

Where a vegetable vendor with four good tomatoes can also keep two-roasted tomatoes in the country where edible oil is made from the bones of buffaloes and poultry in the country, Jadhar took advantage of the ceremonies by hoarding it during the holy month of Ramadan. Going to the land where the sheriff demands tea to be delivered to the file officer, where law-abiding law-guards bargain it for only thirty rupees,
Where people dying of graves and eating their meat, where to speak of religion, fear of bullets, where the neighbor’s body remained in the house for five to five days, and the locals did not even know, where inside the oil tankers. The marijuana is wrapped in a bag, where the dead animals should be opened to the people and transported to the hospital where the doctors of the emergency ward at the hospital are on strike to raise salaries and the patient will die.

Where to play fake animals like people with animals, where to kill a dog cat for a few bucks, where to believe, where the rulers enjoy the pieces of the ayah, dream of enjoying the rabbit, where the basic problems of the vow Instead of resolving a visit to foreign countries where the ayawam was made stupid and stupid in the name of democracy, where the reward is four hundred and twenty, forget that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqr Umar bin Khattab Usman Hazrat Ali or Umar Farooq (RA). How can rulers like Umayyad meet?