The British named the subordinate as a subordinate.
2 Sultan Tipu’s Minister of Food was called Khan, the British started calling their kitchen a khansam.
3 Tipu Sultan sought help from the Caliph of the Ottoman Empire, the British named the barber.
4 The turban was considered a symbol of honor and excellence in the court of Tipu.
During the reign of 5 Tipu Sultan, the collector was the name of a very large police officer.
6 The two great trusted and high ministers of the king or the Sultan used to sit on the right and left of the king, because of their proximity and direction, and in Persian, the quiet left and Ross right were called chapter To humiliate the names of so many honorable positions, PEON was named as Chaparas.
Look at our obedience to this day we are embracing this legacy of hatred and humiliation.