PM Imran khan inaugurates the Television school channel

children, tv, child

On the inauguration of the channel, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that all the ministries congratulate the departments on their hard work and also the Ministry of Education and Information for their role in establishing the Television School Channel.

The Prime Minister said that there are situations that Pakistan has never encountered because of the corona pandemic, children are restricted to homes which can be educated through tele school channel.

He said that unfortunately Pakistan has not paid any attention to the quality of education but our government is paying special attention to the quality of education.

The Prime Minister said that I think after the tele-school channel Corona, the government should cooperate with any tele-school channel and unfortunately most children in Pakistan are out of school but children from remote areas through tele-school channel also. Will benefit

He said that we were lagging behind the world in terms of education and health. My focus was on the two medical schools and the second telemedicine.