The unique habits of the Banquettes.

(1) Coffee and water

When a guest came to the Ottoman Turks they would offer him coffee and plain water.
If the guest extended his hand towards the water he’d understand that the guest needs food also he’d arrange the stylish food
And if he reached for coffee he’d know that the guest didn’t need to eat.

(2) Flowers outside the house

Still, it means that there’s a case in that house, If you see unheroic flowers outside a house.
And if there were red flowers outside the house, it would be an suggestion that there’s an adult girl in the house, so do not say request expressions around the house.
And if you want to bring the communication of marriage, hello.

(3) Hammer

Outside the house were two kinds of doorbells
One big one small
Still, it would indicate that a man had come out of the house, so the man of the house would go out
If a big hammer wasblown.And if the little hammer sounded, it would be known that there was a woman outdoors so the lady of the house would open the door to admit him.

(4) Charity

Ottoman Style of giving alms to the Turks was also excellent
Their fat people would go to the vegetable merchandisers or shopkeepers and open an account in their own name.
And whoever came to buy vegetables or sections in need, the shopkeeper would give him grain and vegetables without asking for plutocrat, without telling him who would pay for it.
After some time, he’d pay the rich man to clear the account.

(5) Sixty-three times

What if an Ottoman Turk was over 63 times old and someone asked him how old he was?
so they
The Prophet ( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) didn’t say that he was over sixty-three times old.

Rather he’d say
Son we’ve gone too far
Allah Allah what kind of literature was the love of these people
What a awful way to squinch people over
This was the reason why the world of unbelief joined with the serpents of the Ottoman Empire
I’ve heard from the saints that the captain will wake up again.