In a video news conference from Zaman Park, Imran Khan said that PDM is saying that it will not accept the decision of the highest court, when it will not accept the decision of the Supreme Court, what does it mean?
He said that accept the decision that is right, but will not accept the decision that is not right? PDM is afraid that they will lose the election, so they are not accepting the decision.
Imran Khan said that the work of the Supreme Court is to implement the constitution, hold elections and let the people decide who they want.
In his video news conference, the former prime minister said that a constitutional crisis has arisen in the country if the people do not stand with the constitution, then this country will not be able to live. We will have to get out, this is true Jihad for freedom.
They have no idea what direction the country will go if elections are not held in 90 days. If elections are not held in 90 days, the law will not be able to protect anyone.
My question is, will the situation of the country be fixed in October, there is a shortage of funds, so there will be a shortage of funds in October too. Remember, there will be no justice in the country. Expressing his reaction, Imran Khan said that the fugitive Burmla sitting in London is saying that he will not accept the decision of three judges.
He said that Nawaz Sharif has bought people all his life, Nawaz Sharif is threatening people by acting like a mafia and the court has also called Nawaz Sharif Sicilian mafia. Know that Nawaz Sharif’s interest is not Pakistan but his money.