Farooq Abdullah from Robert Crane.

Some time ago, I read an American lawyer who had become a Muslim after reading the legal legacy of Islam. I was curious to know about the life of this man.

Who was the American lawyer Robert Crane and how did he convert to Islam? After his doctorate in public law and international law, Robert Crane became president of the Howard Society for International Affairs and then Nixon’s adviser on international affairs.

Meanwhile, President Nixon told the CIA that he wanted to talk about the principles and principles of Islam. CIA officials wrote a 10-page article.

The President asked Robert to allocate it. Robert began to study the Holy Qur’an, during which he described the law of inheritance in a few lines, complete and detailed, while American Law consists of 10 volumes but is not as comprehensive as Islamic law. Meanwhile, Robert Crane converted to Islam.

And Farooq Abdul Haq chose his name after Hazrat Farooq Azam and started calling him Dr. Farooq Abdul Haq because of his doctorate degree. The news of Dr. Farooq’s conversion to Islam was not disclosed. Dr. Farooq is over 91 years old and alive. Is.

The candles of Islamic teachings are being lit. May Allah grant them a long and healthy life and reward them with good deeds. Amen