China’s J-20 jet fighter not visible in the radar is a headache for the West.

China’s J-20 jet fighter not visible in the radar is a headache for the West.

China’s J-20 fighter jet has become a headache for America, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and other rivals.

An American newspaper has published a report about China’s advanced radar-evading J-20 fighter jet. 22 and the third plane after F-35 not visible in the radar.

China has spent $4.4 billion on the project so far, and each plane costs $120 million.

According to this report, it is possible that China has made 150 planes of this model so far. The Chinese are producing one plane of this model every month. Now this warplane is engaged in flights over Taiwan and the Southeast Sea. Generally, this warplane is Taiwan. flies over the territories of and has become a headache for the Taiwanese air defense system as it is not visible to any radar.

Taiwan has US-supplied F-16 Vipers to counter the J-20.

This Chinese fighter jet J-20 can fly at a speed of Mach 2 up to an altitude of 60,000 feet and is equipped with Chinese-made air-to-air missiles PL-12 and PL-21 and PL-10.

This Chinese warplane has a great capability of electronic jamming and if it is against US naval targets, it can cause a serious threat by firing sea-targeting missiles. South Korea and Japan are also worried about the J-20 warplane. are victims.