The Glorious era of General Zia-ul-Haq

The time when all Indian media was banned in Pakistan. There used to be a channel on TV and newscasters used to come wearing headscarves
TV broadcasts were from 4 pm to 11 pm.
Broadcasts begin and end with recitation of the Holy Qur’an, praise and Naat.
There were severe punishments for theft and adultery and there was complete law and order in the country.
You could get a kebab for one rupee and just the best burger for five rupees to keep eating
There was eight loaves of bread in the oven and for ten rupees a laborer could easily eat two meals a day.
The shops would have price lists ranging from needles to elephants and one could take even a loose sum of money.
All political parties were banned and politicians who misled the people were in jail.
Public school fees were Rs. 10 per month and private school fees were Rs. 30 per month
The curriculum taught in the school was subject to strict scrutiny and nothing anti-Islamic or anti-Pakistan was taught to the children.
The college had a month of military training in which the participants would get twenty extra marks.
Pakistani brand companies were protected.
The country made its own polka ice cream RC Cola toothpaste military corn flakes. Nasir Siddique Glass Rahbar Water Cooler Professional Motor Car Asoob Trucks are common in Pakistan.
In a remote village, the mosque was used as a school between Fajr and Zuhr.
New light schools for adult education open in the evening.
During his rule, a Shariah court was set up in which usury was declared a haraam and punishable offense.
Then in 1988, General Zia-ul-Haq was martyred in a mysterious accident
And Benazir Bhutto’s worst era began
First, Benazir closed all schemes based on Zia-ul-Haq’s justice, including the Masjid School and the New Roshni School.
Then the punishment for adultery was passed by passing the Hudood Ordinance.
And education became more expensive and everything became God’s refuge.
Then in the second term of Nawaz Sharif’s government, the government passed an ordinance abolishing the Shariah court and the decision of the Shariah court for the haraam and punishable crime of usury was taken to the Supreme Court which is still pending today. Just as some governments and ministries continued to operate on the first set and under the guise of the same set, the work of usury is open, that is, the war against Allah the Exalted and His Prophet is open.
General Zia was a military dictator but the disbelief of the whole world trembled at him. All the demons of his country were chained during his reign. 👌💪
We are proud of you General Zia-ul-Haq Shaheed
May Allah grant you a high position in Paradise