Protect chapped and dry lips in winter.

Drink plenty of water so that your body has plenty of water and is perfect for sensitive lips.

With the onset of winter, our skin begins to become dry and rough and these effects become clear and noticeable not only on the skin but also on the lips. And sometimes they burst to such an extent that blood starts to flow. With the onset of winter, start lip care.

When winter comes we cover everything on our body but the mouth is mostly open and mostly in front of the wind and most importantly the skin of the Various lip from the skin of the rest of your body. Skin of the lips is very thin. And it is sensitive and needs some extra care. Dry lip out ten times faster than the rest of the skin.

Petroleum jelly

Moisturize your lips to keep them locked and prevent them from cracking. An ointment containing oil, glycerin or petroleum jelly will act as a jacket for your lips.

Sing it

There are some ointments that contain camphor eucalyptus and menthol. They are very comfortable for a while but actually make them drier than before so you have to apply it again and again.

Sun Block

There are sunblocks in which the weather is cold and your lips get burnt when you go out in the sun, so like the rest of the skin, always cover your lips with sunblock.

Drink water

Drink plenty of water so that your body has plenty of water and is perfect for your sensitive lips.

not wet the lips with the tongue.

Some people start lip treatment naturally and stick to their tongue to avoid dry lips but the truth is that as soon as your saliva touches the lips the lips become more dry but it contains such ingredients. Which help digestion and cause more pain when it touches the lips.