Be aware of some of the disadvantages of eating apricot kernels.

Apricot is a very tasty summer fruit that can be seen being sold at stalls all over Pakistan. Apricots have many benefits and they also play a role in producing new blood, but some people break the seeds inside the apricot and eat it.

Especially children feel the taste of apricot seeds like almonds, so the hard shell is broken from the teeth and the apricot seeds are eaten as almonds and even the parents do not stop the children thinking that it is a It is a natural thing and it will not cause any harm. There is also a very common hypothesis regarding apricot seeds which we are presenting below with explanation

Apricot seeds and cancer

There is a common belief that apricot seeds are helpful in the treatment of cancer because they contain a substance called amygdalin which is also called vitamin B17 and since it is a natural product there is no harm in eating it while this assumption is wrong. And harmful-

Apricot seeds are really poisonous

In apricot kernels, a component called amygdalin enters the body and becomes a cyanide poison, which can lead to death if eaten in excess of a certain amount. Includes damage.

People with cancer in particular should be very careful about their diet and avoid eating anything based on hearsay. There is no specific cure for cancer. Different types of cancer are treated in different ways, and eating poisonous foods or eating something without a doctor’s advice is tantamount to suicide. So far no research has been done on the benefits of apricot seeds in cancer.