Search engine Google’s 23rd birthday.

Search Engine Google’s 23 rd Birthday

Google, which answers every question in a matter of moments, is 23 years old today, but the popularity of the Internet search engine has not diminished. On the occasion of the anniversary, a special Google doodle was released which repeated the top searches done by the users in different years.

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Byrne and today Google is the richest company in the world after Apple. Google was founded in 1998 by two Stanford University students as part of their research project. However, over time, it has become a global tech engine and is now over 190. Provides information in more than 150 languages ​​across countries.

Interestingly, Google, which informs others, is not aware of its own birthday. Since 2006, it has been celebrating its birthday on September 27, but before that Google was celebrating its birthday on September 26. Google celebrated its sixth anniversary on September 7, before that it was celebrated on September 8.

Google acknowledged in 2013 that it had celebrated its birthday on four different dates, but the anniversary has been celebrated on September 27 for many years, the day Google first used a doodle for its birthday in 2002. Was

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