People who lived for a hundred years declared these nine things to be the water of life for longevity


The search for the water of life has been an important source of human inquiry since ancient times. Mankind has always tried to find a formula by which to defeat the reality of death, but so far has not succeeded.
European experts studied the subject for 15 years and included all those who lived for more than a hundred years, and after their eating habits came up with nine points to follow. Man can live his life in a long and healthy way.


1 Include plants in the diet from 90 to 100 percent Research on the eating habits of people who have lived for years has shown that 90 to 100 percent of their diet consists of plants. They rely on vegetables, fruits and pulses and consume them in large quantities. In addition, dried fruits are included in their diet and they use olive oil for cooking.


2 Minimal consumption of meat People who live longer than a year are either vegetarians or they consume very small amounts of meat and eat very little meat at most five times a month. Used to eat

3 Fish Consumption Older people occasionally used fish in their diet, but in very small quantities. In addition, fish with a very low mercury content were selected.


4 Pulses must be used in the daily diet of such people must include a large portion of pulses because pulses contain a large amount of protein, so it is very useful for health and fat in them. The amount is very small so it is safe from side effects.


5 Consumption of sugar Such people do not completely give up the use of sugar but use sugar obtained from natural sources, for example, to meet the need for sugar in the body through fruits, but at the same time Also take care not to include more than four teaspoons of sugar in their diet throughout the day.

Dry fruit

6 Two handfuls of dried fruits Dried fruits is a plant-derived food that is full of energy, so for older people, two handfuls of dried fruits a day, for example, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, etc. must be included in their diet. Let’s add.


7 Mill Flour Older people avoid the use of white flour. Instead, they prefer bread made from mill flour because it contains a lot of fiber which keeps the digestive system healthy. It also speeds up the metabolism by meeting other body needs.


8 Drinking plain water is also a secret of longevity. These people avoid soda drinks and prefer to drink mostly plain water and also limit their consumption of tea and coffee.

9 Avoiding Artificially Protected Foods To avoid longevity, these people avoid foods that have been artificially preserved with chemicals because chemically mixed foods pose serious health risks.

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