The first case of death from Pfizer corona vaccine in New Zealand.

According to a foreign news agency, the first case of the death of the American company Pfizer with the corona vaccine has come to light.

The Vaccine Safety Monitoring Board says the woman died of heart muscle inflammation after the vaccination, while European officials say the benefits of the corona vaccine outweigh the harms.

It may be recalled that on June 25 this year, a warning was issued by Pfizer and Moderna regarding corona vaccines, according to which vaccines can cause abnormal heart diseases in young people.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FDA) said it was immediately adding a warning to the fact sheet of the Pfizer / BioNT (PFE.N) and Modern (MRNA.O) vaccines, which is linked to heartburn in young people.

The CDC’s advisers said that heartburn in adolescents and young people could be linked to vaccines, but that the benefits of these vaccines were far greater than the risks. The CDC said vaccinations Afterwards, the symptoms of patients with heartburn usually improve and they recover.

The top US Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement that the vaccines are safe and effective, and that the effects on the heart are extremely rare.