Hidden benefits of garlic acroamatic

Garlic is counted in vegetables which are readily available in every home and garlic definitely included in every meal. No dish can be made into garlic stalks any year.

Garlic also eliminates a number of diseases. Did you know that garlic with garlic also has numerous uses? Garlic peels eliminate toxins in the body. It is the toxins inside the body that cause diseases. And these substances accumulate in the body cause cancer-like disease.

Grind garlic cloves and mix well in a glass of boiling water and refrigerate it and drink it once a day. And continue this process for about a month. This process will allow your blood to be cleansed and your face refreshed. Make the old man young The effects of can also be prevented by preventing changes in the body with age. Boil two or three garlic cloves in three glasses of water and keep them under the open sky for one night the next morning.

This will remove the grease in your body and blood and make your body greasy. To eliminate colds Put the garlic cloves in boiling water and inhale the smoke that comes out of it with a long breath, it will open your closed nose immediately. For asthma patients Put garlic cloves in honey and use it in the morning, it will relieve all asthma illnesses and strengthen the lungs.

For foot swelling If your feet become swollen due to the cold, you can put garlic peels in the water and boil it and put the feet in the water. Elimination of nail acne There are usually nail acne on the face that is left behind. Apply garlic powder on the nails and apply it on the nail acne which will remove all the marks on the face. Stop falling hair. Put garlic in boiling water and boil and massage the hair with this warm water. Within a month, the hair will not only stop falling, but your hair will turn darker black. Elimination of lice Grind garlic cloves mix lemon juice in it and apply this mixture in the hair.

This will eliminate all the barley root in the head. Make the hair black Grind garlic cloves and mix it with olive oil and gently massage it with white hands. Daily massage will make the white hair darker shiny