Avoid Coved-19 Delta variants during the Summer Eid al-Adha.

Beef careful Eating

Be sure to eat the sacrificial meat, but also take special care of your health. A little carelessness can make you suffer from stomach ailments and can lead to major illnesses.

Every festival has its own significance no matter what religion it belongs to. In the joy of these festivals, people embrace their enemies, forget their grievances and consider it their duty to share happiness with each other, which is essential for a good society.

Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Adha) is celebrated with great fervor. Muslims all over the world perform the Sunnah of Abraham. They buy animals from their wealth and sacrifice them in the way of Allah, the meat of which is distributed among the poor and needy. But in today’s age of narcissism, people are sacrificing to degrade each other and instead of dividing the poor into the poor, they distribute it among their relatives and friends. They store meat in their refrigerators for six months of the year.

For six months of the year, on Eid-ul-Adha, they used to prepare delicious spicy chit patas, oil-fried dishes and eat them. It has been observed that people suffer from various stomach ailments due to excessive eating. Also cause.

Summer Beef in Covid-19

Summer and Covid -19

Many problems can be avoided by taking precautions in view of the current hot weather and the Corona epidemic situation. The slightest carelessness can be a threat to both health and life.

Eating too much meat can affect health because the meat is too hot. Eating too much meat can quickly lead to diseases such as stomach upset and indigestion.

The meat should be washed and cooked thoroughly with clean water and vinegar and eaten with a well-digested salad. This will speed up the digestion of the meat.

It is more beneficial if the meat is cooked and eaten in combination with a vegetable.

Do not freeze sacrificial meat for long periods of time as this increases the risk of germs in the meat and eliminates the watery salty taste of the meat.

Physician Adviser for Health

Expert Physicists

According to physicists, finish using meat within three weeks.

Eating too much meat can lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other stomach ailments, which can severely affect the immune system.

According to medical experts, excessive consumption of meat can also cause diseases such as cancer.

Meat should be cooked at a very high temperature to reduce the risk of spreading germs.

Avoid eating meat cooked in too much ghee or oil.

In case of eating poultry, take a walk and avoid going to bed immediately.

Gareen Tea After Meals

Green tea

Make it a habit to drink green tea after meals. It is very beneficial for health

On the days of Eid-ul-Adha, it is obligatory to use spaghetti before going to bed at night to protect against stomach ailments.

Excessive consumption of meat increases uric acid which can cause joint pain.

In addition to weight gain due to fat in meat, the risk of heart disease also increases.

Caution in The Rainy Season

Caution in the rainy season

Be more careful during the rainy season as germs are more prevalent in the rains which cause various diseases including stomach ailments.

Now, of course, Eid-ul-Adha is coming in the rainy season, so be very careful.

Standing sewage, mud and the germs that grow in it are extremely harmful to health.

On the other hand, the carcasses of sacrificial animals are seen lying in places on which flies and other insects are born and then they produce more stench and germs. Care should be taken not to pass through any such place.

Intense Heat and Sunshine

Intense heat and sunshine

Extreme heat and sunshine are harmful to human health in ordinary days. Extreme heat makes a person’s condition worse. Many diseases become invasive.

Now the weather is very hot on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. In such a case, instead of keeping the sacrificial meat, it should be distributed among the rightful owners as soon as possible.

The meat is more likely to spoil in the heat. If the meat smells bad or turns blue, it should not be used at all.

Keep the meat in an open and well-ventilated place to protect it from the sun and heat.

Precaution Case in Covid -19

Necessary precautions in case of Covid-19

Corona epidemics are on the rise all over the world, including Pakistan, like last year. Now there is a wave of fourth corona delta variants in the country, which is causing a worrying increase in corona cases.
It is well under control due to precautionary measures and vaccines. We need to take precautionary measures during Eid-ul-Adha.

Avoid Unnecessary Travel

Avoid unnecessary travel.

Follow the SOP. Be sure to keep a social distance. Children from overcrowding and crowds should keep their doors and windows open as much as possible so that fresh air can come in.

Markets should be visited in shopping malls under full SOP
Make the process of wearing a mask mandatory.
And wash your hands with sanitizer or ordinary soap, take a bath daily and all the time
The habit of staying clean is half the battle of faith and protects against epidemics

See a doctor immediately if you have a fever, cough, or any other illness.