Sometimes there are very different questions in the exam papers which make the examinees worried, but sometimes some questions also become a source of surprise and fun.
A recent Pakistan Civil Service (CSS) exam paper is going viral on social media.
One of the options given to the candidates to write an essay in the exam paper was ‘Boys Will Be Boys’, the uniqueness of which surprised some people and many were forced to ask why this question was included in the exam. has been.
The conversation grew so much that the phrase became a Twitter trend.
Wrote one user What a way to recognize analytical and critical writing skills.
A user shared the meme that a boy who wastes years preparing for the test must be in bad shape.
Another user said that thanks to these mentors who mislead CSS aspirants, there is not a single article from any gas paper.
Central Superior Service (CSS) examination in Pakistan is called as the entrance gate of bureaucracy, a large number of educated youth aspire to get high government jobs through this examination.