ISLAMABAD Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said that it isn’t known whether the day after hereafter is to be in politics or where to be. Stealers have gathered against Imran Khan Stands up.
Addressing the ground breaking form of the University Charter, he said that the megacity of Rawalpindi doesn’t like serpents and merchandisers. Our poor have passed a severe test.
Retirement isn’t passing because people will say do not leave Imran Khan alone.
Hereafter will be an important day in Pakistan’s politics. Affectation has taken place but people like Imran Khan. Indeed if Imran Khan is defeated in distrust, he’ll fight him.
The country’s officers should decide the choices soon. Two of my associates were martyred while setting up a medical university. The Interior Minister blazoned to give Rs.
Usman Bazdar issued announcement of Waqar Al-Nisa University as he was leaving. The most delicate task of life is to make Waqar Al-Nisa College a university. Please.
There are people who I do not want to hail. New choices are demanded so that people can handpick honest people.