In an interview given to a private news channel, Asif Ali Zardari said that when Qamar Javed Bajwa gave instructions for martial law, we said Bismillah Karo Bhai, Hum Kheti Badi Kain Hain Tum Malik Chalao, but he backed down on our answer that It can’t be.
Asif Ali Zardari said that Qamar Javed Bajwa called us and said that you should accept the resignation from him (Imran Khan) and you should go to the election, but I and Maulana Fazlur Rehman forbade it.
The former president also claimed that Imran Khan was planning to rule till 2035 and wanted to bring his army chief.
He said that the fight belongs to Punjab but it affects the whole country. If elections are held in Pakistan on a single day, it is a constitutional right. There is an election, there is an attempt to hold elections in the whole country in October, but let’s see what happens, it is too early to say how the next election will be fought.
He said that what wrong case has been made against the current opposition, tell me, there is a difference between the domicile of Imran Khan and me, the one with Sindh domicile can also become the prime minister.
About the former American diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad, he said that he is a salaryman, some lobby hired Zalmay Khalilzad, he is an agent.
In the interview, Asif Ali Zardari said that we are trying to preserve the constitution of Pakistan, the salaries of judges were increased so that good people would come, but did you know that there would be a monopoly? Bilawal Bhutto said that an Imran Khan His followers are still there.
Regarding inflation, he said, “Don’t we know that inflation is happening? Goods are coming from abroad and there is no dollar in the country.”