Zinda Dalan Lahore is unbeaten.

Zinda Dalan Lahore is unbeaten.

This is a picture of Lahore Liberty at that time. You know, maybe not so many people come out. These Lahoreites mingle during Ramadan. After breaking the fast, they go to the dhabas. The worst violence was by throwing seas of tear gas on innocent mothers and sisters, killing Zale Shah, breaking the teeth, jaws and arms of innocent workers like Irshad Rathi. Whatever movement started from Lahore never failed.

Imran Khan knew the people of Lahori very well when Imran Khan left Bani Gala and set up his camp in Zaman Park and Masha Allah, the party is very lively and let the election come now, they will confiscate the guarantees of the Lahori opponents from the best of PDM. One of the big mistakes was to stand in front of the Lahori people. Greetings to every Lahori from the whole nation.