Shahbaz government has also prepared to remove medicines from public reach.
The Ministry of Health and Drip did not go before the pharmaceutical companies (Pharma Industries) and a summary of 119 drugs was sent to an increase of more than 350 %.
Summary drip and the Ministry of Health has been developed by the rise in the prices of medicines, according to which the price of the tie fame injection is recommended to increase by 367 %, with the old price of Rs 687 and the new price will be Rs 3216.
The price of chloro coin phosphate will increase from Rs.
It is recommended to increase the price of eye drops by 177 %, after which the price of the i -drop will be Rs 26 to Rs 73. The price of Humankanic Gona Dutrophin will rise from Rs. 1,225 to Rs. 2,941
Apart from this, the price of anti -TB drugs has been recommended to increase from Rs 1,242 to Rs 1,762. The price of pheno -fiber will increase by 212 % to Rs 422.