Corona emits signs, smells and tastes, research says

LONDON: UK research experts have revealed that even the smell and taste loss can actually be infected with the virus.

Experts at the British Association of Outerhrainungology say that if you lose your taste and sense of smell, your chances of reaching the Corona virus will be high, the Mail Online reports. Is done

According to experts, the affected person may experience symptoms such as fever and cough at any time after the ability to smell or taste from the tongue.

The head of the research team, Nirmal Kumar, said: “People who do not show symptoms of fever and cough and lose their senses of taste or smell should also separate themselves and test the diagnosis of Corona. Should get done ‘.

Read more: Did Australia discover the cure for Corona?

They said that the virus first affects the throat and nose after entering the body. These are early-stage symptoms that appear sooner, followed by fever, coughing and difficulty breathing.

In previous research studies, experts concluded that anyone diagnosed with the Crohn’s virus fourteen days after nausea, fever, difficulty breathing.